by Łukasza Iwanowskiego

MEDICAL STRENGTH TRAINING is the most effective form of physical fitness. It egins with the elimination of every cause of pain and abnormalities in the body. It strengthens the weakest points of the body through exercises that also eliminate the pain. By learning the corrects standing position and knowledge of basic exercises, you will be protected from pain and injury for many years. This traning is perfect for anyone who wants ti get fitter.

The exercises we have to developed precisely activate the muscles for hard work, thanks to which you will stop feeling pain and reduce the chance of injury. Active and strengthened muscles will allow you to reach the heights of your physical fitness and strengthen the weakest points of your body – these are ideal conditions for the regeneration of the body. And because our exercises are based on isometric tensions, they can be performed the soonest after all kinds of injuries and injuries, because is the safest and most effective form of strengthening the body.

We do not use any additional tools for the exercises I am writing about. We work only by tensing the muscles properly, which is always advisable because it accelarates blood flow, and thus – the regeneration of the damage area of the body.

It’s worth pointing out that, since 2018, books have been available at Polish medical universities in which it is written that putting a cast on a sprained ankle joint can cause permament disabiblity, This is a very ig step forward, but it shows how huge a mistake was made in the past – people lost the ability to regenerate due to the lack of proper lood supply to the body in the first hours and days from the moment the ankle was sprained. It is more effective to shorten the time of immobilization and to create the maximum amount of muscle tension in the area of injury. Of course, without any extra weight or risky moves.

It is extremley important to understand that our body will not alow us improve fitness if we do not meet a few simple guidelines:

Proper standing posture and perfect execution of basic movements. For example, walking up the stairs where standing on the step requires taking into account the angle between the ankle, knee and hip. Incorrect walking accounts for 96% of the cases of any type of pain in the joints and people exercising at the gym are subject to this.

Elimination of inbalances of strength in the body. Regardless of what we want to achive, we must look at the body as whole that must harmonise perfectly. For example, the dominance of the erector spinae muscle over the abdominal muscles causes pelvic anteversion, disc herniation and all the consequences associated with it. These include lower efficiency and paralysing pain in the lumbar region.

Hydration of the body. Almost everyone understands that you need to pour the right gasoline into your car if you want to be able to drive it in return. Too many people do not understand, however, that as a human body we need water to hydrate. The body needs water to function, strengthen the body, diges food, and in return it gets sweet drinks or juices that also need to be digestes. If you feel thirsty and washed it down with coffee or a sweet drink, this can be visualised as pouring gasoline on the curtains in the room, which then cought fire from a candle. It is impossile to talk about effective strengthening of the bodywithout the right amountof water consumption. People who train at gyms and many different stadiums or sports fields inderstand this, but at home and at work we too often forget what our ideal fuel looks like. In fact 2.5 litres of cool water a day is the minimum amount for a person who wants to function healthily. It is worth considering that some althletes drink this much during one workout, and our body makes not only the effort we see. 

Proper nutrition of the body. This significantly affects out weel-being – no more lack of energy and being overweight. An organism that is malnourished will not strengthen itself in the most effective way. It’s hard to think about an incredibly hard workout at the gym, climbing wall or boxing ring after a breakfest of two slices of bread with cheese and tea. If you want to have the strength to be more active, you need to pay attention to the nutritional content of the food you eat. It is worth developing your digestion, which, combined with adequate hydration, will enable you to use your body much more efficiently. Eating half-finished foods that are low in calories or sugar permanently, can lock your desire to undertake physical activity, and it will often take a tollon your health and, as you already know, your weight and appearance too. 

Well performed exercises. In this case, we must distinguish between ‘using’ the body and ‘enhancing’ it. When prastising a particular sport, we use our muscles, and thus get used to a certain kind of effort, but we must not forget about talking care of the correct portion of tension and strength between muscles. Disturbances on the balance of the muscle tension lead to conditions known as, among others, discopathy, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, jumper’s knee. Our task will be to teach you how to avoid doing that. 

An example of improving fitness can be runners after running – often their level of fitness after running the finish line is close to zero – they often fall down without strength or faint. Then the most important thing for them is to let in the right amount of oxygen, and then try to hydrate the body. If they take their bodies seriously, they will take care of proper nutrition before and after exercises. Then they are able to return to their full fitness very quickly – following these tips will always improve your well-being and give you more strength to function. 

We work with professional athletes, doctors, physiotherapists, but above all we teach people to take care of their own or someone else’s health. Improvement of fitness and development in specific sports disciplines is most easily achived when the body is fit and ready for action. And we teach you hotw to be fit and ready to act.

If you want to implement it for yourself, your clients, your team or for your company – contact us. We will be happy to prepare offer for you. There are many possibilities:

– providing materials with exercises and tips on the proper functioning of the body and on-line consultations are ideal for individual clients, from people after injuries to professional athletes;

– a presentation on the proper functioning of the bbody comined with a joint training that will allow your employees/players to learn an effective method of reacting and later preventing pain in the body;

– a set of exercises for your sports team made available on-line or joint live training – then we include the most important exercises, the perfect warm-up and the most effective method for body regeneration.