The correct standing position is a way of positioning the body that prevents the formation of any posture defects, diseases and many other causes of pain. Thanks to this, we engage more muscles, and thus we increase the efficiency of the heart, lood circulation and we take care of the correct body position, which gives us the appropriate setting if the nerve parthways, so we function in a healthy and concious way. In addition, we strengthen the body and protect it from injuries.

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  1. We start by placing the feet on the ground. Feet hip-width apart (not too narrow), almost parallel, but toes wider than heels.
  2. Legs slightly bent. We do want to hyperextend the knee joint.
  3. The hips are then moved forward to a position wgere it is possible to tighten the buttocks. If the buttocks are streched out, we are dealing with the wrong setting of the hips and thus the wrong setting of the lumbbar section.
    Improper positioning of the hips asociated with the faulty setting of the nerve pathways to the lower limbs, which leads to poor positioning of the entire legs. In this case, the risk of knee and ankle injuries can increase more than 50 times, and flat feet curvature in the lower limbs is associated with incorrect hip position and a lack of strong buttocks muscles.
    Incorrect positioning of the lumbar spine is associated with constant tension in the lumbar region (tensioned rectiger of the spine), which translates into lower efficiency, and then can lead to intense pain, degeneration, inflammation, hernias, movement locks, spinal cancer. This may be also the beggining of a defective setting of the entire spine, which is associated with a huge decrease in efficiency and the later formation of a large numer of causes of pain.
  4. We wish to attain a position in which it is possible to tense the abdominal muscles. The tension of the abdominal muscles is one of the most important points that we should remember. When we achieve this, we start to breathe with the diaphragm, and the abdominal muscles are able to do their job. So apart from constant work affecting the increase of our physical fitness, they are now able to protect our internal organs.
  5. We create tension in the area of the shoulder blades and try to pull the shoulders back. Activation of the back muscles (around the shoulder blades) is sufficient after 10 – 15 seconds. As a result of this the muscles are ready to work and we do not have to think about setting our thoracic spine.

    Regarding activation of the muscles responsible for the correct positioning and work of the cervical spine, just slowly tilt your head back, then maintain maximum tension and try to pull your chin as high as you can — the activation time is 10-15 seconds. Ideally, your ears should be above your shoulders.Wymuszamy pozycję, w której możliwe jest napięcie mięśni brzucha. Jest to jedna z najważniejszych podpowiedzi jakie powinniśmy zapamiętać, napięcie mięśni brzucha. Dzięki temu zaczynamy oddychać przeponą, a mięśnie brzucha są w stanie wykonywać swoje zadanie, czyli poza ciągłą pracą wpływającą na wzrost naszej sprawności fizycznej teraz są w stanie dbać o zabezpieczenie naszych wnętrznościWe create tension in the area of the shoulder blades and try to pull the shoulders back. Activation of the back muscles (around the shoulder blades) is sufficient after 10 – 15 seconds. As a result of this the muscles are ready to work and we do not have to think about setting our thoracic spine. 
  6. Regarding activation of the muscles responsile for the correct positioning and work of the cervical spine, just slowly tilt your head back, then maintain maximum tension and try to pull your chin as high as you can – the activation time is 10-15 seconds. Ideally, your ears should e aove your shoulders.


 Providing the body with oxygen is one of the most important rules to remember if you want to function Healthily and Conciously. Providing more oxygen to the body accelerates every physiological process of your body. Insufficient oxygen causes diminished brain function, which often results in headaches, drowsiness, lower efficiency or a lack of energy to function. If you want to have more strength and feel better, remember to take a few larger reaths every hour, and for a etter effect, ‘wash’ your reaths with a few sips of water.


Movement is essential for the proper functioning of the body. By not taking physical activity, we weaken our body, and the unused muscle after 3 days generates less power and ecomes less functional. In addition, other side effects of the lack of muscle tension in the body are, for example: ad lood pressure, diaetes, or other prolems. So if you are trying to lame your laziness, pain or illness on old age, you need to know one thing – it’s up to you whether you start taking care of yourself, strengthen the weakest partsof your body and return to full fitness, or sit comfortably on the couch and start getting sick. The longest exercises from the set of Healthily and Conciously exercises lasts only40 seconds, and the vast majority of exercises can be performed anywhere, including standing, sitting and lying positions. 


The basis for the proper functioning of the body is its proper nutrition. Every movement we make involves muscle tension. They generate strength when they are properly nourished, and their proper nutrition requires water and protein.


Water is essential for human functioning e.g. for every process in the human body. The body needs 1.5 litres of water to carry out the digestive process. Sodium is responsile for the proper water managment of the bbody. When there is an adequate amount of sodium in the body, water is distriuted properly throughout the body and goes to, among others, muscles and tissues. If water is scarce, the body stores more sodium to retain water in the body. Then, if sodium is lacking (after exercise or with an overly ‘ healthy’ diet), dehydration problems occur regardless of the amount of water consumed. Salt consists of 40% sodium, which is why it is an essential ingredient needed for proper functioning. Salt is found in all foods.